You’re Almost There!
Get your Ad Spot going today to start bringing in new customers as a Sponsor on Mountain View Tourism!
Please fill out the form below. This form will collect all the info needed to build your Ad Spot. There is an upload button at the bottom to receive your images. If you desire a video in your AD Spot insert your link (YouTube, etc.) Pay by Check or with the secure Stripe Pay Portal at the bottom of this page.
Let’s Get Started!
Ad Spots are $100 Annually – Non-Profit and Churches are $50 Annually – Multi Ad Discounts are Available
Please use the Upload Feature below for Docs, Images or Links you would like to use in your Ad Spot.
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Please use the Secure Stripe pay portals below to start your Mountain View Tourism subscription today. Be sure to fill the above form to relay all the info MVT needs to get your Adspot started right away!
Standard AdSpot Subscription
$100 Annually
Applies to any Business or Organization that would like to Advertise as a Sponsor on the Mountain View Tourism website
Non-Profit AdSpot Subscription
$50 Annually
Applies to any non-profit entities such as Churches and any other municipal or 501 C3 organizations.
Multiple AdSpot Subscriptions
$80 Annually
Requires 2 or more subscriptions to be in effect concurrently. Ex: A real estate office and it’s agents etc.